(n) ancient inscriptions of Chinese characters on oracle bones and tortoise shells
(n) (ling) affirmative sentence
(n) department of Japanese literature
(n) Japanese literature
(n) major in Japanese literature
(n) Japanese grammar
(n) (1) spicebush
Lindera umbrellata
(2) toothpick
(3) natural wooden chopsticks (tea ceremony)
(n) repeat order
(n) miscellanist
miscellaneous writer
(n) ready-made seal
cheap literature
(n) prose poem
(adj-na) prosaic
(n) (comp) arithmetic statement
(n) fingerspelling (in sign language for the deaf)
finger alphabet
(n) private document
(n) (comp) executable statement
(n) (comp) entity text
(n) word picture
(n) wooden spoon
rice scoop
(n) The Lord's Prayer
(n) epistolary style
epistolary phrase
(n) box for holding papers or stationery
(n) Japanese shubunkin goldfish variety
(n) passive sentence
(n) passive sentence
(n,adj-no) a cross
(n) pure literature
(n) epistolary style
(n) narration
(n) woman's handwriting