(exp) based on government policy
(n) (comp) passive matrix LCD
(n) (comp) CDMA
code division multiple access
(n) (comp) explicit forward congestion indication
(n) (comp) two-way alternate data communication
(n) (comp) two-way simultaneous data communication
(n) (comp) raster graphics
(n) State Minister in Charge of Issues of Okinawa and Northern Territories
(n) (comp) active matrix
(n) cycle and ride system
(n) Schroedinger equation
(n) (comp) tiling window method
(n) (comp) parametric output primitive
(n) (comp) view up vector
(n) (comp) menu-driven program
(exp) wives and tatami are best when they're new
(exp) wives and tatami are best when they're new
(exp) wives and tatami are best when they're new
(exp) wives and tatami are best when they're new
(exp) in fooling the enemy first deceive your allies
(exp) (id) It's hard to please everybody
(n) (comp) access method executor
(n) (comp) overlapped windowing
(n) (comp) rule-based security policy
(n) (comp) identity-based security policy
(n) (comp) differential Manchester encoding