(n-adv,n-t) nowadays
(n) sun god
(n-t) today and (or) tomorrow
(n) last day
final day
(n) unlucky day
death anniversary
purification and fast day
(n) first three days of the New Year (January 1st to 3rd)
(n) first three days of the New Year (January 1st to 3rd)
(n) 21st day after death
21st day after birth
(n) 21st day after death
21st day after birth
(n) 21st day after death
21st day after birth
(n) 30th
(n) last day of month
(n) last day of month
(n) three days
(ik) (n) new moon
crescent moon
(n) new moon
crescent moon
(n) tertian malaria (causing a fever that recurs every second day)
(n) three-day journey
(n) work day
(n) (1) (abbr) day of the rat (esp. the first day of the rat in the new year)
(2) collecting herbs and pulling out young pine trees by the roots
(3) pine shoot pulled out in such a manner
(n) (1) (abbr) day of the rat (esp. the first day of the rat in the new year)
(2) collecting herbs and pulling out young pine trees by the roots
(3) pine shoot pulled out in such a manner
(n) payday
date of payment
(n) (col) March 3rd
Ear Day
(n) 49th day after death
(n) 49th day after death
(n) 49th day after death
(n) 49th day after death
(n) 49th day after death
(n) 49th day after death
(n) (uk) blotchy swell shark (species of cat shark, Cephaloscyllium umbratile)