(n) inspection certificate
(n) Committee for the Inquest of Prosecution
(n) (Japanese) Public Security Intelligence Agency
(n) (comp) reasonableness check
(n) parliamentary investigation rights
(n) visa applicant
(n) court of inquiry
court of enquiry
(n) optometrist
(n) eye chart
eyesight test chart
(n) checking the personal belongings with someone for items against regulation (e.g. at school, airports, etc.)
(n) hand baggage search
(n) (comp) delivery test
(n) (obs) police box
(n) medical examination of entrants in professional sumo
(n) Select Committee on the Taxation System
(n) (comp) scanning frequency
(n) ultrasound examination
(n) internal auditor
(n) immigration officer
immigration investigation officials
(n) (comp) interlace
(n) on-the-spot inspection
on-site inspection
(n) Federal Bureau of Investigation
(n) image survey
(n) (comp) system auditing
(n) (comp) parity check
(n) (comp) block check
(n) (comp) security audit
(n) medical technologist
(n) forensic research
(n) (comp) expiration check
retention period check