(n) bond yield
(exp) (id) the powers that be
(n) right of self-determination
(n) discretionary power
(n) (early Meiji era) democratic rights ideology
(n) women's suffrage
(n) consumer sovereignty
(n) certifying authority
(n) pre-emptive right (to subscribe for new shares)
(n) share warrant
(n) world (an international) championship (title)
(n) title match
championship bout
(n) championship series
(n) the right to collective bargaining
(n) intellectual property right
(n) intellectual property rights (in patent law)
(n,vs) centralization of power
centralisation of power
(n) infringement of copyright
(literary) piracy
(n) theory of the divine right of kings
(n) mortgage arrangements
(n) (comp) appropriate priviledges
(n) (comp) privileged user
super user
(n) hegemonic stability theory
(n) copyright holder
(n) immunity from arrest (i.e. of Diet members or foreign diplomats)
diplomatic immunity
parliamentary immunity
legislative immunity
(n) women's suffrage
(n) the right to submit a bill (draft law) to parliament
(n) unregistered bond
(n) territorial dispute
(n) basic labor rights
basic workers' rights