(n,vs) slow, relaxed walk
(v5k) to visit one place after another without affect
(v5k,vi) to wander about
(v5k,vi) to parade
to march
(n) drunken (staggering, tottering) gait
wide-based gait
(n,vs) slow, relaxed walk
(n,vs) walking alone
walking unaided
going alone
standing on one's own
(v5r) to take a step backward
(exp,n) six of one and a half dozen of the other
scant difference
(exp,n) six of one and a half dozen of the other
scant difference
(n) (comp) start-stop transmission
(n) (comp) start-stop system
(n) rapid progress (strides)
(exp) to tiptoe
(n) starting to walk
(v1) to begin to walk
to set out
(v1) to keep walking
(v1) to be tired from walking
(v1) to continue (walking)
(exp) to make progress
to step forward
(n) pedestrian mall (lit: pedestrian paradise)
car-free mall
(n) priority to pedestrians
(n) walker (used by old people to assist them to walk)
walking machine
walking frame
(exp) to post a sentinel
(exp) like the young man who tried to walk like the Kantan people, gave up, and forgot how to walk
(v5k) (col) to loiter around
to wander about
(n,adj-no) toddling
taking tottering steps
(exp) make one wrong move and...
take one wrong step and...
(n) (uk) Pheropsophus jessoensis (species of bombardier beetle)
(n) simple change (horse gait)