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Compounds of 法

  • (n) correct orthography
  • (n) (1) correct orthography
    (2) reference format
  • (n) art of living
    way of life
  • (n) crude tactics
    smattering of knowledge
  • (n) refining process
  • (n) integration
  • (n) integration
  • (n) syncopation
  • (n) election laws
  • (n) syntax
  • (n) code of legal (civil or criminal) procedure
  • (n) in calligraphy, a style of holding the brush between the thumb and the index and middle fingers
  • (n) form of muscular or movement therapy developed by Keizo Hashimoto
  • (n) method of measurement
  • (n) law of the country where a person habitually resides or is a national
    law applicable to a person or to a person's legal problems
  • (n) big talk
    tall tale
  • (n) counterpoint
  • (n) coping method
    how to deal with (problem, etc.)
  • (n) Lord Chancellor
  • (n) full court
    grand bench of the supreme court
  • (n) big lie
  • (n) civil law
    continental law
  • (n) simple-interest method
  • (n) in calligraphy, a style of holding the brush between the thumb and index finger
  • (n) grammatical rule allowing the usage of the continuative form as a conjunction
  • (n) sampling (i.e. as a survey method)
  • (n) art of cooking
  • (n) direct method
    indicative mood
  • (n) direct method
    indicative mood
  • (n) street preaching