(n) utilization rate
capacity factor
utilization factor
coefficient of use
(n) divorce rate
(n) eccentricity
(v1,vt) to lead
to spearhead (a group)
to command (troops)
(n) wooden grave tablet
(n) wooden grave tablet
(n) (comp) cumulative percentage
(n) disease rate
infection rate
(n) oblateness
(n) (comp) hit rate
(n) molar fraction
(n) Young's modulus
(n) compression efficiency
(n) general tariff
(n) stochastic process
(n) random error
(n) random sample
(n) probability distribution
(n) stochastic variable
random variable
(n) (comp) probability density
(n) (comp) probability theory
(n,adj-na) simple, plain, and artless
clear, concise, and unaffected
(n) (comp) spacing ratio
(n) rash act
(n) joint probability
(n) improvement in efficiency
(n) chance of precipitation
chance of rain
(n) high television ratings
(n) high unemployment rate
(n) merger ratio