(n) doughnut phenomenon
(n) hot, dry wind that blows down from a mountain (Foehn phenomenon)
(n) (comp) positional (representation) system
positional notation
(n) (comp) basic physical rendition
(exp) to be infatuated
to be hooked on
(n) (comp) current layout position
(n) cash withdrawal
(n) cash on hand and in banks
(n) spot market
(n) at the present time
(n) (comp) in the current implementation
(n) (comp) current record
(n) phenomenological reduction
(exp) to overthrow the present regime
(n) modern kana usage (as laid out by the Japanese government in 1946)
(n) (comp) realized edge
(n) (comp) implementation mandatory
(n) (comp) wire frame representation
(exp,v5s) to distinguish oneself
to stand out
(n) uninhabited building
(n) (comp) additional physical rendition
(n) sprawl
(n) (comp) digital representation
(n) Brocken spectre
Brocken bow
(n) moon peeping from behind the clouds
(exp) to expose one's true colors (character) (colours)
(n) cash dispenser
(n) automatic teller machine
(n) phenomenological sociology
(exp,v1) to catch in the act (of)