(n) game theory
theory of games
(n) system theory
(n) dynamo theory
(n) fuzzy theory
(n) fuzzy theory
(n) general equilibrium theory
(n) renormalization theory
renormalisation theory
(n) (math) item response theory
(n) (comp) queueing theory
(n) cobweb theorem
(n) government-binding theory
(n) factor proportions theory (of international trade)
(n) (comp) shannon's low
(n) fractal theory
(n) (ling) relational theory of meaning
(n) general theory of relativity
(n) lattice gauge theory (physics)
(n) special theory of relativity
(n) (comp) automata theory
(n) (comp) queuing theory
(n) control theory
(n) data type theory
(n) prospect theory
(n) (ling) discourse representation structure theory
(n) non-Abelian gauge theory (physics)
(n) (comp) automatics
(n) (comp) communication theory
(n) Weinberg-Salam theory (particle physics)