(n) invitation letter (e.g. document in support of a visa to enter Japan)
(n) (comp) IRM
Information Resource Management
(n) (comp) convolution theorem
(n) food control system
(n) Japan's press code (developed in 1946)
(n) mathematical logic
(n) biologically active substance
(n) physiological saline solution
(n) former prime minister
(n) (comp) interaction management
(n) binding inheritance principle
(n) (comp) queueing theory
(n) (comp) proxy server
(n) proxy application company
(n) (comp) intelligent information processing
(n) cobweb theorem
(n) (comp) central processing unit
(n) (math) intermediate value theorem
(n) (comp) central limit theorem
(n) traditional logic
(n) (comp) billing
(n) (comp) statistical multiplexing
(n) government-binding theory
(n) transparency principle
(exp,v5u) to stand to reason
(exp) contrary to reason
(n) (comp) specific logical structure
(n) Prime Minister or Premier (as the head of a cabinet government)
(n) (comp) content editing process
(n) (comp) exclusive OR