(n) (ling) relational theory of meaning
(n) (obsc) sole agency authority
(n) general theory of relativity
(n) (comp) remote batch processing
(n) (comp) proportional spacing
(n) subcategorization principle
subcategorisation principle
(n) marine biogeographic region
(n) Foreign Exchange Control Law
(n) lattice gauge theory (physics)
(n) managed float system
(n) (comp) Management Information Base
(n) crisis committee
(n) (comp) basic logical object
(n) one's brother-in-law
(n) UN Economic and Social Council
(n) (comp) computer graphics
(n) father of atomic physics
(n) behavioral psychology
(n) rational expectations hypothesis
(n) (abbr) (obsc) United Nations Security Council
(exp) the reason(s) is (are) as follows
(n) automatic data processing
(n) postulates of practical reason
(n) (comp) ADMD
ADministrative Management Domain
(n) (comp) centralized data processing
(n) principle of sufficient reason (logic)
(n) Trusteeship Council
(n) Deliberative Council on Political Ethics
(n) Committee for Election Administration
(exp) to strive for mutual understanding