(n) Japantown (esp. historical Japantowns in Southeast Asia founded in the 16th-17th centuries)
(n) town originally built around a temple or shrine
(n) town originally built around a temple or shrine
(n) working-class accent or dialect
(n) the friendly atmosphere of the traditional commercial and working-class neighborhoods
(n) the milk of human kindness of the people of the traditional commercial and working-class neighborhoods
(n) Muromachi period (1333-1573 CE)
(n) Muromachi shogunate (1336-1573 CE)
(n) revitalization of a town
town renewal (project)
(n) town policies
(n) outskirts of town
(exp) to go to town
(exp) to pass through town
(n) revitalization of a town
town renewal (project)
(n) townsman's (independent) spirit
mercantile spirit
(n) townsman's (independent) spirit
mercantile spirit
(n) (the likes of) a mere tradesman
(n) merger of towns and villages
(n) units of square measure (for rice fields, forests, etc.)
(n) Japantown (esp. historical Japantowns in Southeast Asia founded in the 16th-17th centuries)
(n) the whole enormous extent of Edo
from one side of Edo to the other
(exp) road passing through the town
(n) stupa-shaped stone distance indicators placed at intervals of one cho (approx. 109 meters) on a temple approach
(n) (uk) Japanese foliage spider (Chiracanthium japonicum)
(n) mayoral election
(n) towns on the Tokaido
(n) Bancho Seisaku Kenkyujo (faction of the LDP)