(n) (1) Western paintings
(2) Western films
Western movies
(n) positive (photographic) image
(n) rough sketch
(n) (abbr) sequential art or pictures (type of printed, graphic storytelling, differentiated from manga by its liberal use of page space, often only one panel per page, and sparing use of dialogue)
(n,vs) (video) recording
(n) (abbr) (sl) erotic photograph (on a computer, mobile phone, etc.)
(n) pen drawing
pen-and-ink drawing
(n) (photographic) printing paper
(n,vs) making (book) into film
making screen version
(n) film society
movie club
(n) the film world
(n) film study
(n) movie theatre (theater)
(n) movie fan
cinema enthusiast
(n) film festival
(n) movie company
(n) film critique
(n) sketch (done by pencil)
(n) painting of flowers and birds
bird-and-flower genre in Chinese and Japanese painting
(vs-s,vt) (1) to draw (a line)
(2) to demarcate
to mark
to divide
to map out
(3) to plan
(n,vs) standardization
(adj-na) uniform
(n) arranged by strokes
(n) (constellation) Pictor
(n) drawing paper
(n) art student
(adj-na) ground-breaking
(adj-na) epoch-making
(n) drawing paper
(n) (1) (uk) meadow bunting (species of passerine, Emberiza cioides)