(n) nervous breakdown
sickness from anxiety
(n) an emergency patient or case
(n) wife-phobia
(n) hydrophobia
(n) Hashimoto's disease
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
(n) bovine spongiform encephalopathy
mad cow disease
(n) rabies
(n) poverty
(n) serum sickness
(n) haemophilia
(n) prefectural hospital
(n) radiation sickness
(n) blues experienced by college freshmen or workplace recruits shortly after beginning school or work
the May blues
(n) pollution-caused illness
(n) airsickness
(n) altitude sickness
mountain sickness
(n) altitude sickness
(n) bubonic plague
black death
(n) purple spot (on a plant)
(n) smut
(n) black rust
(n) feigned illness
(n) altitude sickness
(n) optimism experienced by college students or workplace recruits at the beginning of school or work
(n) purpura
(n) periodontitis
periodontal disease
(n) sick and wounded soldiers
(n) childhood diseases
(n) elephantiasis
(n) occupational disease