(n) registration number
(n) peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture
(n) (ling) unregistered word
(n) (uk) climbing perch (esp. of genus Anabas)
(n) (uk) Ryukyu tree lizard (Japalura polygonata)
(exp) to go up a tower
(v5r,vi) to climb
to clamber (over, up)
to scramble (up)
to scale
to claw one's way up
(n,adj-no) rapid promotion
going through the roof
(n) (comp) data registration
(n) (comp) user registration
(exp) to mount the platform
(n) alien registration
(n) alien registration card
(n) cash register
(n) cash register
(n) ship's certificate
ship's registration
(n) voter registration
(v5r) to shin up
to climb up
(v1,vi) (1) to go to the top
(2) to be engrossed in
(n) registry number column
(n) (comp) registration-identifier
(n) (comp) library text
(n) real estate register
real property register
(n,vs) going straight to the infirmary in school
(n) (uk) Ryukyu tree lizard (Japalura polygonata)
(n) (comp) user registration
(n) Alien Registration Law
(exp) to perform a hazardous deed
(n) utility model registration
(n) (comp) user registration