(n) (comp) target element
(n) purpose of use
(n) quantitative easing
(n) spiritual sympathy
spiritual communion
(n) spiritual sympathy
spiritual communion
(adj-na) of the old feeling of naniwa-bushi
marked by the dual themes of obligation and compassion that distinguish the naniwa-bushi ballads
(adj-na) Apollonian
(adj-na) (comp) bursty
(n) overwhelming numbers
(n) genetic polymorphism
(n) genetic drift
(n) general trend
(adj-na) most attractive
(n,vs) chemical digestion
(n) (obsc) hypothetical judgment (judgement)
(n) (obsc) hypothetical imperative
(n) (obsc) hypothetical imperative
(n) scientific discovery
(n) scientific method
(n) traumatic experience
(n) (comp) deterministic process
(n) observational study
(n) (ling) indirect object
(n) basic right
fundamental right
(n) fundamental human rights
(n) wishful thinking
(adj-na) geometric (progression, etc.)
(n) (comp) recursive function
(n) technical problem
(n) (comp) technical limitations
limits of technology