(n) a boycott
(n) boycott
buyer's strike
(exp) to form an alliance
(n) Coalition of the Willing (nations who supported America's preemptive strike in Iraq in 2003)
(n) labor federation
labour federation
(n) Arab League
(n) Delian League (the Athenian empire)
(n) Hanseatic League
(n) signatory countries
members of a treaty
(n) general strike
(n) (European) Economic and Monetary Union
(n) International Judo Federation
(n) International Sumo Federation
highest body of amateur sumo
(n) Japanese amateur sumo union
(n) International Association of Athletics Federations
(n) Japan Dentists Federation
(n) Christian Democratic Union (Germany)
Christian Democrats
(n) Tripartite Pact (between Japan, Germany and Italy in WWII)
(n) Japan Federation of Employers' Associations
(n) (comp) BSA
Business Software Association