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Compounds of 目

  • (adj-na,n) unsteadiness
    lack of sincerity
  • (n) discord and hostility
  • (n) being moderate in eating
    stopping short of stuffing oneself
  • (n) (1) fork
    parting of the ways
    (2) turning point
  • (n) classified catalog
    classified catalogue
  • (adj-na,n) overly serious
  • (n) (comp) nonnumeric item
  • (n) turning point
    new program
    new programme
  • (n) (1) bystander's vantage point
    outsider's better grasp of the situation
    (exp) (2) onlookers see more of the game than the players do
    lit: people watching a game of Go see 8 moves further ahead
  • (adj-t,adv-to) all nature being bleak and desolate
    scene looking desolate and forlorn as far as the eye can see
  • (adj-t,adv-to) all nature being bleak and desolate
    scene looking desolate and forlorn as far as the eye can see
  • (n) announcing the succession to another's stage name
  • (n) tokenism
  • (n) nominal wages
  • (adj-i) ashamed
  • (n,vs) undergoing a complete change in appearance
    changing something out of all recognition
    a rise in one's reputation
  • (n,vs) undergoing a complete change in appearance
    changing something out of all recognition
    a rise in one's reputation
  • (n) face
  • (adj-i) ashamed
  • (uK) (adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) with evident joy of having lived up to one's reputation
    having an effect of bolstering one's reputation
  • (n) instrument flying
  • (n) (uk) reticulated python (Python reticulatus)
  • (n) (comp) mesh network
  • (n) (uk) neuropteran (any insect of order Neuroptera)
  • (n) (1) (abbr) wooden dolls
    (2) type of theatrical makeup
    (3) type of artwork using paper, cloth and paste
  • (n) kimekomi doll
  • (adj-na) texture
  • (n) graining (lacquering technique)
  • (v1,vt) to aim at
  • (adj-i) extremely fond of
    having a weakness for