(n) sleeping medicine
(n) three-molt silkworm
(n) sleeping tablet
(n) sleeping pill
sleep medication
(n) (uk) Japanese dormouse (Glirulus japonicus)
(n) sleeplessness
(adj-i) sleepy
(v5s,vt) (1) (col) to put to sleep
(2) to kill
(n) mimosa
(n) Sleeping Beauty (fairy tale)
(n) sleeping sickness
(n) sleeping powder
sleeping drug
(n) hypnotic drug
(n,vs) (1) (usu. in positive sentences) (a) sleep
(a) nap
(2) first sleep of silkworms
(n) REM sleep
(n) good appetite and pleasant sleep
enjoying one's food and sleeping well
(n) hypnotherapy
(n) (one's) sleeping hours
hours of sleep
(n) sleep cycle
(n) narcolepsy
(n,adj-no) lack of sleep
(n) inactive bank account (no withdrawals or deposits made, and to which the owner's rights have been terminated)
(n) without sleep or rest
day and night
(n) cure for drowsiness
(v1,vt) (1) (col) to put into sleep
(2) to kill
(v5m,vi) to fall asleep
to sleep deeply
(v5m,vi) to fall asleep
to sleep deeply
(n) REM sleep
(n) falling asleep at the wheel
(v5r) to sleep like a log
to sleep deeply