(n) hour hand
(n) long, narrow card on which Japanese poems are written (vertically)
strip of paper
(n) long, narrow card on which Japanese poems are written (vertically)
strip of paper
(n,adj-no) short legs
(n) (baseball) single
(n) junior college
(n) minor key (music)
(n) boat
(n) short sword
(n) pistol
(n) short time
(n,adj-no) short wave
(n) short hair
(n) brief comment or criticism
(n) short sentence
short piece
(n) short (e.g. story, film)
(n) short (e.g. story, film)
(adj-na,n,adj-no) short life
short lived
(n,adj-no) short hair
(n) rather short
somewhat short
(n) short summer night
(n,vs) (1) electric short-circuit
(2) drawing a hasty inference between two events
jumping to a quick conclusion
dealing with matters quickly and carelessly
(adj-na,n) imprudence
quick temper
(n) short circuit
(n) (1) length
(2) long and short
advantages and disadvantages
pluses and minuses
strong and weak points
merits and demerits
(n) A minor
(n) G minor
(n) D minor
(n) C minor
(n) F minor