(n) chop suey
(v5k,vt) (1) to crunch
to masticate
(2) to simplify
to explain plainly
(n) the principle of honorable death and no surrender
(v5r) to be smashed up
(exp) to rack one's brains
(v5k,vt) to smash
to crush
(v5k,vt) to smash
to crush
(n,vs) making one's best exertions
(iK) (n,vs) making one's best exertions
(v5k) to rub to pieces
to grind into powder
(n) volcaniclastic rock
(n) volcaniclastic material
pyroclastic material
(n) casual conversation
(n) friendly attitude
(n) plain (informal) writing
(n) daisy cutter bomb
(exp) to smash to pieces
(exp) to smash to pieces
(n) coffee grinder
coffee mill