(n) the great evil god
(n) eighth brain nerve
nervus vestibulocochlearis
vestibulocochlear nerve
(n) central nervous system
(n) theory of the divine right of kings
(n) Sun Goddess
Amaterasu Oomikami
(n) Sun Goddess
Amaterasu Oomikami
(n) Sun Goddess
Amaterasu Oomikami
(n) backbone
spirit of defiance
(n) anxiety neurosis
(n) Toyouke Shrine (the outer shrine of Ise Shrine)
Toyuke Shrine
(n) Toyouke Shrine (the outer shrine of Ise Shrine)
Toyuke Shrine
(n) peripheral nervous system
(n) panentheism
(n) intercostal neuralgia
(n) Greek mythology
(n) Greek mythology
(n) triangular rimmed ancient mirror decorated with gods and animals
(n) Sannou Ichijitsu Shinto (alt. name for Hie Shinto: a form of Shinto heavily influenced by Tendai)
(n) Statue of Liberty
(n) arguments for the existence of God
(exp) There is no God! (used to express despair at the heartlessness of the world)
lit: there is no god or Buddha
(exp) having delicate feeling
being sensitive
(exp,v5r) to hit a nerve
to get on one's nerves
(n) neuropeptide
(n) neurotransmitter
(n) (col) kamikaze taxi (1960s term for taxis that fail to heed traffic regulations)
(n) psychosomatic medicine
(n) spiritual leader
(n) mental retardation
(n) The Central Church of Holy God