(n) manufacturing process
(n) a bright (rosy) future awaiting one
having the world before one
(n) (ling) adverb of degree
(n) question of degree
(n) Pilgrim's Progress
(n) doctoral course
(n) doctoral course
(n) (comp) diffusion process
(n) general education curriculum
(n) (math) system of equations
(n) (over) a great distance
(a long journey (flight, voyage)) to (from) a faraway place
(n) itinerary
(n) linear equation
(n) equation of motion
(n) chemical equation
(n) not be worried about anything
(n) (comp) deterministic process
(n) functional equation
(n) high-powered equation
(conj) (arch) even now
(n) integral equation
(n) (comp) linear equation
(n) preequilibrium process (nuclear physics)
(n) hypercomplex equation
plural equation
(n) algebraic equation
(exp) to go too far
to break bounds
(n) (math) equation with two unknowns
(n) binomial equation
(n) quadratic equation
(n) wave equation