(n) research project (e.g. at school)
independent research
(n) experimental study
(n) probe into the truth (of the matter)
dig into the real facts of the case
get at the root of a matter
(n) prior research
previous work
(n) thorough investigation
complete inquiry
(n) clinical research
clinical study
(n) (comp) Bell laboratories
(n) genetic research
(n) observational study
(n) visiting researcher
(n) economics research centre
economics research center
(n) research team
(n) (comp) research library
(n) meeting for reading research papers
(n) member (of a research project)
(n) (comp) research report
(n) research student (worker) abroad
(n) experimental study
(n) Senior chief engineer
(n) Executive chief engineer
(n) (1) society for the study of manga
(2) manga club
(exp) to master the secrets of an art
(n) forensic research
(n) (comp) research group
(n) center of excellence
(n) Atomic Energy Research Institute
(n) Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
(n) crime laboratory
(n) research outsourcing contract
(n) (comp) state of the art report