(n) Air Self-Defense Force (Defence)
(exp,v5k) to have time free
to have time to spare
(exp) to make oneself available
(n) (uk) twin-flowering abelia (Abelia spathulata)
(n) vacuum cleaner
(n) political vacuum
(n) (comp) leading whitespace
(n) accidental resemblance
(n) Great Interregnum (gap between Hohenstaufen and Habsburg rule of the Holy Roman Empire, approx. 1254-1273 CE)
(n) (Buddh) earth, water, fire, wind and void (the five elements)
(n) (Buddh) earth, water, fire, wind and void (the five elements)
(n) Great Tokyo Air Raid (firebombing of Tokyo, Mar. 10, 1945)
(n) moral vacuum
(n) diode
(n) (comp) nonwhite character
(exp,v5s) to be hungry
(n) one-way airline ticket
one-way plane ticket
(n) private aircraft
(n) theoretical air fuel ratio
(exp,v5s) to feel hungry
to get hungry
(n) (comp) address space
(n) (comp) parameter space
(n) vector space
(n) compressed air machine
(n) close air support
(exp) to fill a gap
(n) (comp) empty file
(n) prowler
sneak thief
(n) pneumatic hammer
(exp) to be unable to read the situation
to be unable to pick up on the mood of a conversation (e.g. A and B are complaining about C, and D joins the conversation praising C)