(n) Venturi tube
(n) microwave tube
(n) Malpighian tubule
(n) (comp) memory management
(n) (comp) remote administration
(n) vascular cambium
wood cambium
(n) (abbr) polyvinyl chloride pipe
PVC pipe
(n) scientific management
(n) (comp) RMS
Recovery Management Support
(n) (comp) managing system
(n) control-oriented education
(n) managed currency system
(n) corporate risk management
(n) exclusive fishing zone
(n) executive positions in the civil service
(n) air traffic control
(n) international jurisdiction
(n) (comp) Private Management Domain
(n) test-tube baby
(n) (comp) AATC
Automatic Air Traffic Control
(n) chamber orchestra
(n) carpal tunnel syndrome
(n) (comp) IRM
Information Resource Management
(n) food control system
(n) (comp) interaction management
(n) patent ductus arteriosus
(n) (comp) POS
Point Of Sales
(n) (comp) archive file
(n) chronic bronchitis
(n) account management