(n) secret society
(n) (comp) amorphous
(adj-f) amorphous
(exp) to tie a string
(n) commuter marriage
(n) marriage for convenience
(n) atrioventricular node
AV node
(exp) to sleep
to fall asleep
(n) (comp) name association
(n) (comp) explicit link (process definition)
(exp) to form an alliance
(n) evening hairdo
(n) eugenic marriage
(n) companionate marriage
(n) cold-sintering
(n) the end of the Cold War
(n) love marriage
(n) consolidated balance sheet
(n) consolidated operations
(n) (comp) link set
(n) (comp) link process
(n) (comp) linked-operations
(n) (comp) link attribute
(n) consolidated profit
(n) crosstalk coupling
(exp) to make peace
(n,adj-no) bladder stones
(n) bowline (knot)
(n) very common way of tying a woman's kimono sash
(n) bowline (knot)