(n) price control
(n) divide and rule
(n) civilian control
(n) President of the United States of America
US President
(n) drug control
(n) incumbent president
(n) constituent command
(n) next president
(n) obliqueness command
(n) colonial rule
(n) grand unified theory (physics)
(n) presidential candidate
(n) presidential election
(n) acting president
(n) first lady
(n) presidential decree
presidential proclamation
(n) traditionalist
(n) unified field theory
(n) statistical hypothesis
(n) (ling) syntagmatic relation
(n) schizophrenia
(n) CJK (Chinese, Japanese and Korean) character unification
(n) federal president (e.g. in Germany)
(n) (comp) system integration
(n) mesh statistics
(n) systematic desensitization
(n) rule prohibiting match-ups between sumo wrestlers from the same family
(n) statism
(n) trusteeship system
(n) demographic statistics