(n) (comp) linear classification system
(n) (comp) toll switch
trunk exchange
(n) neutron diffraction
(exp) to lay a wire
(n) (comp) contour graph
(n) Japan Cable Radio Awards
(n) (comp) distribution cable
(n) reflection coefficient chart
(n) (comp) non-linear programming
(n) radiation genetics (study of the effects of radiation on genes)
(n) radiosensitivity
(n) radiobiology
(n) normal vector
(exp) to be on the right track
to go well
(exp) along the route (line)
(exp) (col) to be on the right track
to be close enough
(n) amateur radio
(n) x-ray photography
(n) (comp) cabling diagram
(n) (comp) spline curve
(n) (comp) data concentrator
(n) (comp) data transmission circuit
(n) (comp) digital line
(n) (comp) view plane normal
(n) (comp) printed circuit board
(n) (comp) metallic line
metallic circuit
(n) Lorenz curve
(n) (comp) local switch
(n) fire support coordination line
(n) cable layer