(adj-i) lax
(exp) (when) danger threatens
should an emergency occur
(n) lenient regulations
(n,adj-na) varying the tempo or speed (of something) at will
(n) (comp) buffer storage
(n) buffer zone
(n) tardigrade (any animal of phylum Tardigrada)
water bear
(n) palliative care
(n) relaxation oscillation
(n) lack of vigilance
(n) deregulation
removal (easing) of (official) restrictions
relaxation of regulations
(n) muscle-relaxant drug
(n) detente
easing of tensions
(n) monetary easing
(n) lack of (slackness in) military discipline
(n) atonic hemorrhage
atonic haemorrhage
(exp,adj-i) have loose bowels
(adj-t,adv-to) composed and unhurried
easygoing and leisurely
in indolence
(adj-t,adv-to) composed and unhurried
easygoing and leisurely
in indolence
(n) quantitative easing
(n) gentle curve
(exp,v1) to relax one's attention
(n) (comp) simple buffering
(n) (comp) dynamic buffering
(exp) to proceed slowly
(exp) to slack the reins
(exp) to ease up the speed
(n) quantitative easing