(n) note (letter) left behind
(n) (gun) silencer
(n) (comp) degausser
(n) purifier
(exp,v5k) to put one's trust in
(n) (comp) digit place
digit position
(n) deferment (e.g. of savings)
leaving (a thing) as it stands
(v5k,vt) to leave as it is
to defer
(n) corrective action (measure)
(n) controller
control unit
(n) soap dish or box
(n) (comp) installation requirement
(n) absolute (as opposed to relative) position
(n) (comp) lead position
first position (in a string)
(n) (comp) punch position
punching position
(n) (comp) punch
(n) placenta previa
(n) remedial measure
preventive measure
the best way to cope with (meet) the situation
(n) remedial measure
preventive measure
the best way to cope with (meet) the situation
(n,vs) involuntary admission (commitment) (to a mental hospital)
(n) (comp) device space
(n) (comp) device coordinate
(n) (comp) equipment fault
(n) (comp) device control character (e.g. DC1)
(n) (comp) device-independent
(n) measuring device
(n) countermeasure
(n) (comp) terminal equipment
(n) walking away with another's baggage
(n) portable brazier