(n) letter of resignation
(n) placement
(n) job hunting
job searching
(n) job hunting
job searching
(n) employment advertisement
(n) career counseling (counselling)
(n) jobless university graduate
(n) group employment
(exp) to take up employment
(exp) to resign from one's post
(exp) to hunt for a job
to seek employment
(n) staff meeting
(n) professional sense
(n) job (work) training (for the unskilled)
(n) career soldier
(n) career woman
(n) abuse of (one's) authority
(n) having one's workplace at home
living and working at the same location (independent farmers, home workers, storekeepers, etc.)
(n) having one's workplace near one's home
(n) one's work environment
(n) marriage between co-workers
(n) labor unrest
labour unrest
(n) spirit of a true artisan
(a craftsman's) pride in one's work
(n) spirit of a true artisan
(a craftsman's) pride in one's work
(n) spirit of true craftsman
(craftsman's) pride in his work
(n) salary supplement, usu. paid for higher ranking employees
(n) work experience
(n,vs) police questioning
(n) salary supplement, usu. paid for mid-ranking employees
(n,vs) ex-officio questioning
police questioning (of a suspicious person)
a police checkup