(adj-f) extremely talented
very gifted
(n) (comp) availability
(n) market potential
(n) (comp) addressable point
(n) solvency
(n) orthoptist
(n,adj-no) feasibility
(n) (comp) nonexecutable statement
(n) (comp) power saver (feature)
(n) (comp) mandatory
cannot be omitted
(n) vocational representation system
(n) sexual dysfunction
(n) (comp) round-down function
(n) (comp) round-up function
(n) (comp) clear all function
(exp) innate ability
innate talent
natural gift
(n) admissibility of a party (to a suit)
(n) pyrokinesisis
(exp) to play a noh drama
(n) (comp) active threat
(n) merit system
(n) falsifiability
(n) (comp) nonadd function
(n) (comp) percentage function
(n) unavailable choice
(n) (comp) square root function
(n) radioactive contamination
(n) radiological attack
(n) radiation warning sign
radiation warning symbol
(n) radiation leakage