(n) nocturnal habit
(n) wicker trunk
(n) head referee in sumo
(n,vs,adj-no) fashion
(v5r,vi) (1) to be popular
to come into fashion
(2) to be prevalent
to spread widely (e.g. disease)
to be endemic
(3) to flourish
to thrive
(n) popular song
hit song
(n) conjunctivitis
pink eye
epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
(n) buzzword
vogue word
popular phrase
word (phrase) in fashion or on everybody's lips
(n) popular person
(n) fashionable color
fashionable colour
(n,adj-no) epidemic
(n) epidemic
(n) conjunctivitis
pink eye
epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
(n) touring show
(n) traveller
(n) traveling bag
travelling bag
(n) journal of one's travels
(n) travel voucher
travel coupon
(n) traveller
(n) destination
(n) (uk) passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius)
(n) zero matrix
(n) ringworm
(n) sluggishness
(n,adj-no) digitigrade (walking on the toes)
(n) international marriage which is recognized in only one party's country (e.g. same-sex marriage, polygamy, underage marriage)
(n,adj-no) plantigrade (walking on the soles of the feet)
(adj-no) (1) going out
(2) one's best (clothes, looks, manners, behaviour, etc.)
(3) formal behaviour (manners, speech, etc.)
(adj-no) (1) going out
(2) one's best (clothes, looks, manners, behaviour, etc.)
(3) formal behaviour (manners, speech, etc.)
(n) (comp) zero matrix