(n) (comp) underflow indication
(n) (comp) aspects of primitives
(n) (comp) suffix notation
postfix notation
reverse Polish notation
(n) (comp) primary and copy recipients indication
(n) (comp) short reference mapping declaration
(n) novel with local color
novel with local colour
(n) standard tables of food composition in Japan
(n) (comp) foreground process group
(n) spreadsheet software
(n) (comp) calligraphic display device
directed beam display device
(n) (comp) alphabetical notation
(n) (comp) infix notation
(n) (comp) prefix notation
Polish notation
parenthesis-free notation
Lukasiewicz notation
(n) (comp) original encoded information types indication
(n) proportional representation electoral system (n which party votes are cast, and candidates from each party are elected based on an ordered list available to the public)
(n) (comp) non-receipt notification request indication
(n) (comp) DL expansion history indication
(n) (comp) unpacked decimal notation
(n) (comp) suffix notation
postfix notation
reverse Polish notation
(n) (comp) prefix notation
Polish notation
parenthesis-free notation
Lukasiewicz notation
(n) (comp) forwarded IP-message indication
(n) (comp) aspects of output primitives
(n) electoral system comprised of single-seat constituencies and proportionally represented multiple-seat constituencies
(n) proportional representation system in which both party and individual votes are cast, seats are distributed amongst parties by proportion of vote obtained, and candidates are elected in descending order of number of votes obtained
(n) (comp) foreground process group ID
(n) (comp) spread sheet application
(n) (comp) replying IP-message indication
(exp) (comp) to maximize a window
(n) (comp) calligraphic display device
directed beam display device
(n) (comp) workstation description table