(n) (comp) task overview
(n) (comp) local entity
(n) key terrain
(n) (comp) language construct
(n) Catholic catechism
(n) actus reus (constituent external element of a crime, as opposed to mental state)
(n,adj-no) (comp) components
(n) (comp) structural element
(n) (comp) matrix element
(n) syllabus
(n) domestic demand
(adj-na) most important
(n) final demand
(n) work force
(n) government-approved curriculums
(educational) guidelines
(n) proximate cause
(n) overriding necessity
absolute requirement
an absolute must
(n) primary business
primary function
primary focus
(n) key industries
(n) salient points
(n) key people
(n,adj-no) major city
(n) main parts
main components
(n) prices of staple commodities
(n) increase in (expansion of) demand
(n) supply and demand
(n) (comp) increased demand
increasing demand
(n) important matter (for discussion (deliberations))
(n) key industry
(n) important matter
matters of weight