(n) (the artistic technique of) perspective
(n) hidden line drawing
(n) (comp) perspective projection
(n) (comp) perspective transformation
(n) dynamic vision
kinetic vision
(n,vs) jealousy and enmity
being jealous of and at odds with (each other)
(n) fraudulent sale of exorcism services (to people led to believe that they are possessed by evil spirits)
(n) (comp) imaging order
(n) (comp) imaging process
(n) surveillance camera
(n) nasal endoscope
(n) UN observer force
(n) visually impaired person
(n) (obsc) optic chiasma
optic chiasm
(n) (obsc) optic chiasma
optic chiasm
(n) audiovisual aids
(n) audiovisual educational materials
(n) orthoptist
(n) shortsighted
(n) optometrist
(n) eye chart
eyesight test chart
(n) optometrist
(n) visually handicapped person
visually impaired person
blind person
(n) (comp) rolling
(n,vs) information visualization
information visualisation
(n) parking inspector
parking police
(n) parking inspector
parking police
(vs-i) to consider to be inevitable
to consider to be reasonable
(n) endoscopic surgery
keyhole surgery
(n) invisible ray