(n) (comp) triangle set
(n) (math) triangle anomaly
(n) true anomaly (astronomy)
(n) side of a polygon
(n) multiple agriculture
(n) right triangle
(v5u) to say all kinds of things
to complain
to find fault (with)
(n) isosceles triangle
(n) isosceles triangle
(exp,v5s) to distinguish oneself
to stand out
(exp,v5s) to distinguish oneself
to stand out
(n) obtuse triangle
(n) the tip of an iceberg
(n) (comp) character orientation
(n) planar trigonometry
(n) vowel triangle
(n) vowel triangle
(n) isosceles triangle
(n) isosceles triangle
(n) angle of shearing resistance
(n) horn of Africa
(n) sugar tongs
(n) herpetic keratitis
(n) triangular rimmed ancient mirror decorated with gods and animals
(n) prim (stuffy) person
squared-toed person
(n) full-width katakana
(n) full-width Roman character
(n) economics of scope
economics of diversification
(n) right-angle prism
(adv) (uk) anyhow
somehow or other
generally speaking
in any case