(n) resistivity meter
(n) accounting fraud
irregular accounting
(n) total liabilities
(n) bar thermometer
(n) clear accounting
honest accounting (billing)
transparent billing practices (in restaurant and bar charges, etc.)
(n) luminous watch
(exp) advance plans
forward plans
(n) hunting-case watch
(n) (comp) logic design
(n) Apollo Project
(n) (comp) cross tabulation
(n) (comp) code design
(n) (comp) Virtual Machine
(n) (comp) reversible counter
(exp) assistance in supporting a family
(exp) assistance in supporting a family
(n) Board of Audit
(n) dry-bulb thermometer
(n) (comp) ring counter
(n) silver watch
(n) deliberate attack
(n) (comp) computability
(n) (comp) machine word
computer word
(n) (comp) computer science
(n) (comp) computer configuration
(n) (ling) computational linguistics
(n) computational biology
(exp) to fall into a trap
to play into another's hands
(n) econometrics
(n) (comp) computational linguistics