(n) aneroid barometer
(n) alcohol thermometer
(n) (comp) connection statistics
(n) (comp) conceptual system design
(n) speckle interferometer
(n) cesium atomic clock
(n) (comp) digital
(n) (comp) top-down design
(n) (comp) network planning
(n) bimetal thermometer
(n) (comp) project planning
(n) Manhattan Project
(n) (comp) modulo-n counter
(n) accounting information system
(n) (comp) mains
battery powered calculator
(n) (obsc) United Nations Development Programme
(n) (obsc) United Nations Environment Program
(n) (comp) mains-powered calculator
(n) (comp) MPS
Mathematical Programming System
(n) Comprehensive National Development Plan (1962-)
(n) Deep Submergence Systems Project
(n) (obs) calculator
(n) contingency plan
(n) (comp) spreadsheet program
(n) (comp) display and printing calculator
(exp) to swap a watch for a book
(exp) to poke one's nose (in) where one is not wanted
(n) (comp) online computing
(n) diaphragm gauge
(n) (comp) hybrid computer