(v1) to pack (in box)
to drive to wall
(n,adj-no) (1) bargaining
(2) turning one's body to the left or right and standing (when leaving the presence of nobility, etc.)
(3) sailing close-hauled
sailing on a close reach
(n,adj-no) (1) bargaining
(2) turning one's body to the left or right and standing (when leaving the presence of nobility, etc.)
(3) sailing close-hauled
sailing on a close reach
(v5r,vi) to draw near
to draw closer
(v5m,vt) to cram
to stuff
to jam
to squeeze
to compress
to pack
to crowd
(n) chess problem
composed shogi problem
(v5r) to be or remain always on hand
(v1,vt) (uk) to stare at
to gaze at
to look hard at
to watch intently
to fix one's eyes on
(adv) (1) (uk) after all
when all's said and done
(2) for the time being
at present
(v1,vt) to boil down
to concentrate
(n) (food) jam-packed
packed in like sushi (like sardines)
(n) burying alive beneath stones
(n) retrenchment
(n) food packed in a wooden box
(n) cornering someone
(n) (obsc) Clostridium botulinum (bacteria that causes botulism)
(n) incessant working
working non-stop
(n) white clover
(n) service at the Head Office
(n) keep on standing
(adj-na,n) packed like sardines
(v1) to pack (in box)
to drive to wall
(exp) to checkmate the king
(v1,vi) to crowd (a house)
to throng to (a door)
(exp) to be in attendance (on duty)
(exp) to frequent tirelessly
(n) at close reach (sailing)
at close haul
(n) at close reach (sailing)
at close haul
(v1,vi) to crowd (a house)
to throng to (a door)
(v1,vt) to repack
to refill