(n) Romany (language)
(n) Romansch (language)
(n) sense subject
(exp) speak English well
(exp) speak English well
(exp) to teach English
(n) English proficiency examination
English proficiency test
(n) (comp) basic multi-lingual plane
(n) to be tacit
(exp) to be beyond words
to defy description
(n) (comp) language construct
(n) linguistic turn
(exp) to let slip a secret
to let the cat out of the bag
(n) (ling) thematic
thematic vowel
(exp) to soften one's voice
(n) (ling) lexical-functional grammar
(n) (comp) natural language processing
(n) (comp) procedural language
(n) (comp) procedural language
(n) (comp) status keyword
(n) One Thousand and One Nights (collection of Arabic stories)
(n) (comp) fourth generation language (4GL)
(n) (comp) word count
(n) Chinese room (artificial intelligence thought experiment)
(n) Austro-Asiatic (family of languages)
(n) ordinary language school (of analytic philosophy)
(exp) (comp) (sl) implies the message being replied to is nonsensical
Can I have that in Japanese?
(exp) to render into Japanese
(n) (comp) Japanese mode
(n) adverb equivalent