(n) peace conference
(n) peace treaty
(n) closely-packed series of lectures
intensive course
(n) lecturer on demand
guest speaker on demand
(n) invited lecture
(n) (full-time) lecturer
(n) full-time lecturer
(n) overall peace treaty
(n) separate peace
(n) (make) a long talk (discourse, lecture)
(n) correspondence course
(n) mutual financing association
(n) mutual financing association
(n) clinic
clinical lecture
(n) mutual financing association
(exp) to take (adopt) measures
(n) invited speaker
guest speaker at
(n) part-time lecturer
contract teacher
(n) total number of trainees
(n) Kodansha Manga Award
(exp) to take steps (measures)
(exp,v1) to take measures (against)
to take steps
(n) Treaty of Peace with Japan
Treaty of San Francisco (Sept. 8, 1951)
(n) short, intensive course
(n) lecture on a topic related to "ubiquitous computing"
(n) Treaty of San Francisco
Treaty of Peace with Japan (Sept. 8, 1951)