(v5s,vi) to visit
to call on
(v5s,vt) to leap over
(n) more losses than wins (sport)
(n) superiority complex
(n) exceeding (overstepping) one's powers (competence, authority)
abuse of one's legal authority
acting ultra vires
(n) destination of a move
(n) biennial plant
(n) summer purification rites (held at shrines on the last day of the 6th lunar month)
(n) Passover
(io) (n) balance carried forward
(n) being well-known to
(v1) to go out of turn
to butt in
(n) overdraft
outstanding debt
(n) overanxiety
(v1,vi) to climb over
to ride across
to surmount
(exp) to cross a river
(v1,vt) to jump over
to clear
to walk over (someone)
(exp) extravagant
(v1,vi) to step over or across
to overcome
(exp) to pass over the peak
to cross a pass
(exp) to able to enter the New Year (i.e. have work finished, debts paid, etc.)
(v1,vt) to jump over
to clear
to walk over (someone)
(n) (comp) interlace
(n) (comp) jump instruction
(exp) to violate the laws of nature
(n) summer purification rites (held at shrines on the last day of the 6th lunar month)
(exp) going down smoothly
tasting good going down
(exp) to cross a mountain
(exp,v1) to be out of danger
(n) overanxiety