(n) (comp) non-repudiation of delivery
(n) (comp) grade of delivery selection
(n) (comp) use of distribution list
(n) (comp) physical delivery country name
(n) (comp) physical delivery domain
(n) (comp) keyboard layout
(n) phased-array radar
(n) music distribution service
(n) (comp) relocatable code
(n) wanted list
(n) (comp) assumed-size array
(n) artificial insemination by sperm from husband
(n) (comp) delivered-report entry
(n) (comp) DL expansion prohibited
(n) (comp) physical delivery personal name
(n) (comp) physical delivery organization name
(n) (comp) High-Speed TDM
(n) (comp) relocated address
(n) (comp) prevention of non-delivery notification
(n) artificial insemination by donor
(n) (comp) physical delivery service
(n) (comp) Physical Delivery System
(n) (comp) physical delivery office name
(n) (comp) relocatable program
(n) (comp) DL expansion history indication
(n) (comp) physical delivery service name
(n) (comp) physical delivery office number
(n) (comp) delivered-message entry
(n) (comp) Physical Delivery Access Unit
(n) (comp) arrangement of cables and ground wires