(n) (comp) specular reflection coefficient
(n) (comp) specular exponent
(n) triangular rimmed ancient mirror decorated with gods and animals
(v1) to look at things from a biased viewpoint (biassed)
(n) powerful spectacles
(n) Hubble telescope
(n) laser endoscope
(n) Galilean telescope
(n) Keplerian telescope
(n) Newtonian telescope (having a secondary mirror at 45 degrees, reflecting light into the eyepiece)
(n) Hubble Space Telescope
(n) confocal scanning microscope
(exp) to reflect oneself in a mirror
(exp) to put binoculars to one's eyes
(n) confocal laser scanning biological microscope
(n) multiphoton laser scanning microscope
(exp) fallen blossom doesn't return to the branch, a broken mirror can not be made to shine
what's done is done
there's no use crying over spilled milk