(adj-na) occupied (by an army)
(n) army of occupation
(n) occupied territory
(n) (hist.) governor-general
(n) consul general
(n) eldest daughter
(n) president
chief executive
(n) Japanese territory
(n) vice-consul
(n) protectorate
(vs-s) to own
to receive
to understand
(n) territorial limits
(n) consulate
(n) (formal) receipt
(n) receipt
(n) territorial right
(n) (comp) argument range
(n) diffraction region
(n) overseas territory
overseas possession
(n) (comp) storage area
(n) (comp) Management Domain
(n) (comp) region of interest
(n) (comp) critical area
(n) (comp) reference area
(n) (comp) common area
(n) military occupation
(n) area of study (investigation)
research area
(n) misappropriation of public funds
(n) workspace
working area
(n) government-approved curriculums
(educational) guidelines