(n) seeking to improve one's health with a change of climate
(n) lake with low nutrient level
oligotrophic lake
unproductive lake
(n) adopting a married couple
married couple adopted into the family
(n) adopting a married couple
married couple adopted into the family
(n,vs) eutrophication
(n) nutrient-rich (or eutrophic) lake
(n) one's dependents
(n) duty to support (a person)
(n) tax exemption for dependents
(n) deathbed adoption of a successor (to prevent extinction of the family line)
person adopted by someone on his deathbed
(n) school for the handicapped
special school
(n) school for the handicapped
special school
(n) teacher for the handicapped
(n) children's home
child care institution
(n) adoption (of an heir)
(n) cultured pearl
(n) old age pension
(n) endowment insurance
(n) Yoro Code (757 CE)
(n) long term care bed
long term care beds
chronic stage bed
chronic stage beds
(exp) restore one's energy
restore one's spirits
recharge one's batteries
(n) pearl-oyster beds
(n) bottle-fed child
(n) dystrophic lake
(exp) (id) Prevention is better than cure
(v1) to bring up
to foster
to rear
(n) nursing home
(n) adoption (of an heir)
(exp) failing to practice what one preaches (lit: doctors often neglect their own health)
(n) nurses' training school