(exp) if so
in that case
in that situation
(n) hoarse voice
husky voice
(v5u,vi) to pass by one another
to disagree
to miss each other
(conj) if it happens that
if we make ...
if we take ...
if we assume ...
(v1,vi) to shake
to sway
(exp) if you do this
if this is the case
(adj-i) naive
(exp) if so
in that case
in that situation
(adv) apt to (do)
liable to
prone to
(conj,exp) in other words
(adv) being apt to
being liable to
being inclined to
(n) in other words
(exp) speak of the devil (lit: it's the one spoken of)
(exp) Necessity is the mother of invention
There is always some way out of a difficulty if you really look for one
(adv) being apt to
being liable to
being inclined to
(exp) the more you do (it), the... (i.e. "the more you drink, the better it tastes")
(exp) Poverty dulls the wit
(exp) speak of the devil and he shall appear (lit: the one spoken of will appear)
(exp) speak of the devil and he shall appear (lit: the one spoken of will appear)
(exp) (id) It's audible but invisible
(exp) (id) Once a beggar, always a beggar
(exp) have (need) only to go there
(exp) (id) He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin